Search for cool Projects


Man07har's github profile

A website design for the complaint pusposes and to showcase the products that a company has to offer

Disney+ Hotstar Clone

govardhan-26's github profile

A Web application that replicates the features of the popular streaming platform, Disney+ Hotstar.


MohamedBoukthir's github profile

A feature-rich MERN web app for booking doctor appointments. Uses React, Node.js, MongoDB, and Stripe for payment processing


heysagnik's github profile

A hub for all your social links


sumitkr2000's github profile

User can add product description and the AI model will learn about it. Later it can be used by customers and clients to know about the product.


Killer2OP's github profile

It is a clone of LinkedIn website.

Voice Assistant App

jiggy9's github profile

It is a flutter voice assistant application where you can ask for any answer and it'll help through voice and text.

MrittikServer-an open-source REST API

hbkabir004's github profile

Mrittik-Server is a REST API that I created using Node.js and Express.js, aimed at helping front-end developers practice building e-commerce projects or need to implement search, sort, and filter functionality without the hassle of dealing with the backend and data.

Developer Portfolio

lorenzomiscoli's github profile

Software developer portfolio to showcase your work and skills.


AgamK18's github profile

User can search for any cryptocurrency and see details about the same. The user can also follow latest news about the domain.